Saturday, 30 January 2016

New blog website!

Hey guys,

So I have some really cool news to tell you guys. You may already know from the title, I have just launched a new blog on Wordpress! The reason for this is so it can be a better experience for you and me. I will still be posting on this blog but my Wordpress account will be my main blog from now on, I could never forget this blog, it's super special to me. I hit 800 views on this blog too which I'm really proud of because you made that happen and I'm so grateful.

I just wanted to tell you about this and hopefully you will check it out, i'll leave a link at the end of this post so you can go and check it out. There is so much fun yet to come and I'm so excited for everything on this new blog, hopefully you are too!

Anyway, this is only a short post as I just want to let you know about this new blog.
I love you all so much<3

Bye guys xx

check out my new blog here:

Saturday, 23 January 2016


Hey Guys,

So yesterday was our 1 month blog anniversary! I'm so glad I started this blog because I can't imagine what my life would be like without it. Over the past month we have been able to get over 650 views on this blog, all thanks to you. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for all the support I have had throughout this month except for how thankful I am and how lovely you all are.
I wish there was a better way to say thank you but unfortunately I don't have a big enough account  to do anything spectacular for you guys. If this blog is still around a few years from now then hopefully i will be able to do something amazing for all of you, that would be pretty cool, right?

When I first started this blog I had no idea i would have over 600 views in just a month! I was freaking out when i got 30 views, now I have over 600 and I'm just so shocked by how many people actually spent a moment of their life to look or read a post on this blog, even when the posts were extremely short or we're really boring, people actually took time to read them. The internet saved my life, youtube saved me and this blog has taught me to be more confident with myself and not to care what anyone else thinks.
 Go for your dreams, don't listen to what anyone else says about you, they're probably just jealous because they know you have a much bigger chance at becoming successful than they do. Thats why they bring you down, so they can make sure you don't become successful, which is why you need to ignore them if they try to make you feel bad about your dreams.They are just ignorant people who only want the best for themselves, stay as far away from them people as possible, even if that person happens to be your best friend or even a family member in some cases. They aren't worth your time.

I'm so grateful that this blog has been so successful over the past month, i never would imagine over 600 people looking at my blog, but it's all thanks to you. I love you all so much. You guys are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't wait to see what is in store for the future on this blog. I'm so excited to see what happens!
Anyway, I just want all of you to know that you are the best people ever and I love you all so much <3

Have a good day/night wherever you are in the word and I will see you soon<3

Byeeee <3

Come and find me somewhere else:

Twitter: @sugglife [PB]
Instagram: @sxphie.wxrner_
Tumblr: deepmilkshakewtf

Sunday, 17 January 2016


 Hey guys,

So last night I decided to start making a Zalfie edit (I was having a major fangirl moment). I've made other ones before but they're either hidden somewhere in my camera roll or on my Facebook page somewhere. This one I'm even more proud of though, I don't know why, I just like this one so much.

I thought that maybe you guys would like to watch the edit I made, if you like it then I might show you some other ones which I've done! Such as:
Two other zalfie edits!
Joe Sugg  (with a little bit of caspar lee)
American Horror Story
And probably a few others which I can't remember.
If anyone has any requests in the comments then I will be sure to look at them and make edits for your chosen subject, although some might take a while depending on how much time I have. So some might be longer waiting than others. I hope that would be okay.
Anyway, thats all I have to say to you for today. My next blog post may or may not be a Q&A but I'm not certain about it yet, depending on how much questions are asked. If you have any questions to ask me then comment them down below too! Maybe they'll be answered in my next blog post.

Bye guys, I love you all so much<3

Friday, 8 January 2016

Should I?

Hey guys,

So I've been thinking for quite a while now and I've decided to get all of your opinions on it as I would like to know how many people would watch. I've been thinking about starting a YouTube channel, I don't know what to call it yet but any requests I would be very grateful for. What do you guys think? Should I start a channel or should I not? I have some thoughts in mind and some collaborations, but would anyone watch my videos? Please comment below if you think I should or not, i would really appreciate it <3

Also, I would like to thank all of you because I've hit 300 views!!! Thank you all so much for this, i never would have thought that i would have 300 views on such a small blog! I'm so grateful for all of the support that I've had in person and through texts,dm's and twitter. I love writing this blog and I'm glad you are all enjoying it too!
How do you guys think of the new layout and theme of my blog? If you want, comment below to tell me if you like it or not, I love to hear your opinions on this blog <3

Sorry this is another short blog, I haven't really had much to write about, I promise i'll start doing some longer ones soon!

Anyway, I hope you've had a good day/night depending on where you live in the world.

Byeeee, I love you all so much <3 xoxo

Saturday, 2 January 2016


hey guys,

So its here, 2016 has begun! I still feel as though I'm still back in 2015 because nothing has seemed to  change. Everyone expects something miraculous to happen on New Years, like to suddenly become a millionaire or to find a golden ticket to willy wonka's chocolate factory hidden in a packet of doritos.

Most people do a funny thing called 'New Years Resolution (s)' where you set a goal for yourself to achieve by the end of the upcoming year, so that is what I've decided to share with you for todays blog post. My New Years Resolution;
-To meet Alfie Deyes and Zoe Sugg (Zalfie).
-To get fit and healthy.
-Drink more water!
-Eat more.
-Step out of my comfort zone.
-Dont get too worked up over things.
-Focus on myself more than others.
Okay, so they are my New Years Resolutions for 2016, I'm going to work extremely hard to accomplish all of these and at the end of 2016 I can see how many of them I can proudly say I have achieved.
I would love to start connecting with more people on this blog because i feel like it'll be a good way to make more friends and to get to know more people on this blog so we can be like a group of friends rather than a group of strangers, lets start making a community in which we can all act like we've known each other forever and that we can be completely ourselves with.
Comment below your New Years Resolutions and we can start talking and be friends, I would love to chat with you all.

Bye guys, I love you all so much <3

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Happy New Year.

Hey Guys,

So its only a few more hours left until the end of 2015 and the beginning of a new year. This year has been a real hit to me and to be quite honest, I didn't think that I would be here to live this moment. Im so happy I stayed here, though. Ive fount out who my real friends are this year with lots of ups and downs but it was definitely worth the pain it caused at times. 2015 has been incredible, yet utterly terrifying. The best yet worst year of my life.
I already know that next year won't be much better but ill give it my best damn shot to make it all work out. In 2016 my goal is to meet Alfie Deyes (aka Pointlessblog, on youtube) for his third book signing. I would also like to make everything work out with all, or most, of the people who judge me or just simply don't like me. I want to prove them wrong. Overall I'm really excited to see what the new year has to bring for me.
Anyways, I hope you have a brilliant new years eve and I wish you all the best for the new year <3

byeeee, i'll see you in2016! <3

Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

Hey guys :)

I hope you're all having a great christmas so far, i can't believe how fast this year has gone! Only a few more days until 2016! Thats so exciting yet terrifying at the same time. Anyway, I hope that you get whatever you wished for and have an amazing day. Merry christmas and a happy new year <3

bye guys <3